Awards and events
The most important events and awards
Złoty Medal BUDMA 2025 dla naszego Kleju do Wełny Mineralnej Termoizolacja! 🏆
Z ogromną dumą informujemy, że nasz Klej do Wełny Mineralnej Termoizolacja zdobył Złoty Medal na Targach BUDMA 2025! 🥇 To wyróżnienie potwierdza najwyższą jakość i innowacyjność naszych produktów, które pomagają w skutecznej i trwałej termoizolacji.
Od A do Z S.A. poszukuje Biegłego Rewidenta 2024r.
Firma Od A do Z Spółka Akcyjna poszukuje Biegłego Rewidenta do przeprowadzenia badania sprawozdania finansowego za rok 2024.
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Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN IMPREGNAT DO ELEWACJI is a product used as an impregnation for facades and walls. It ensures long life of the impregnated surface, creating a protective coating that prevents moisture penetration, thus limiting the formation of mold, fungi, and salt efflorescence. It also increases frost resistance and insulating properties of the surface. It protects against the degrading effects of water and changing weather conditions. It improves the aesthetic value of the facade.
Introduction of a new product to the market BOSMAN IMPREGNAT FOR PAVING BLOCKS is a professional, highly specialized product designed to protect paving stones, giving the surface a "wet paving stone" effect. The preparation significantly reduces water absorption, as well as dirt penetration into the concrete surface. The paving stone impregnator protects not only against moisture penetration into the substrate, but also limits the development of lichens and algae. Effectively protects against the effects of weather conditions. The product is completely safe for the surface and the environment. It is important that the preparation does not contain solvents in its composition.
Introduction of a new product to the market BOSMAN PREPARAT DO CZYSZCZENIA ELEWacji is a professional and effective product for removing all types of dirt from various types of facades (acrylic, silicone, mineral, silicate, stone, concrete, brick, etc.). The protective properties of the preparation allow you to keep surfaces clean for a longer period of time and protect them from weather conditions. It removes dirt well and protects against their penetration into the facade (dust, soot, deposits, dried mud). Removes deposits, soot, efflorescence and algae.
Introduction of a new product to the market BOSMAN PREPARATION FOR CLEANING PAVING BLOCKS is a professional product for cleaning (perfectly removes dirt) and degreasing paving stones. The preparation also perfectly prepares the surface for impregnation, allowing the impregnant to work more effectively and adhere to the surface.
Introduction of a new product to the market Liquid roofing felt Multi-purpose liquid roofing felt designed for renovating vertical surfaces such as walls, basements of external building walls, roofs, flashings, garden architecture elements: gazebos, toolboxes and boxes, shelters, etc. It has excellent adhesion to various surfaces, including: concrete, plaster, roofing felt, trapezoidal sheet metal, asbestos cement, metal roofing tiles, cement and ceramic roofing tiles, bituminous coatings, wood, galvanized sheet metal, lawns. Liquid roofing felt has very good covering properties, high flexibility and after drying creates a coating resistant to water and UV.
We are proud to announce that we have received a distinction in the Construction Brand of the Year 2024 ranking for our assembly foams. This distinction is extremely valuable to us because it was awarded on the basis of nationwide research among contractors. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this success! Together we are building a better construction future! 💪
We have completed another edition of our loyalty program REST WITH "FROM A TO Z" and this time we took our clients toGreece. It is a country of sun, mountains and azure sea. It consists of a continental part and 2,500 islands, of which only 165 are inhabited. Greece surprises with the beauty of the landscape of the azure sea, which we look at with carefree enjoyment of holidays flavored with wine, feta cheese and olives. We would like to thank everyone for the time spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
Introduction of a new product to the marketBOSMAN Adhesive for plasterboards and OSBboards are a one-component, super fast and strong product that is characterized by a quick initial grip, which significantly accelerates the progress of work. It does not grow, which ensures the stability of the glued elements. Perfectly adheres to most building materials. Easy to apply. Application: BOSMAN Adhesive for plasterboards and OSB boards is intended for quick fixing of: plasterboards and OSB boards, gypsum-cement boards, wood-based boards, magnesium boards as a finishing layer on the surfaces of floors, walls and columns. Perfectly adheres to substrates: ordinary concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, ceramic bricks, silicate bricks, wood-based boards (OSB), XPS, EPS, PVC boards.
We have completed another edition of our loyalty program, this time we took our customers to ALBANIA. Albania is an incredibly picturesque country that offers tourists an extraordinary range of unique attractions. Albania is a country located in south-eastern Europe, in the Balkans, on the Adriatic Sea. Albania borders Greece, Macedonia and Montenegro.
In the Albanian language, the name of the country means "Eagle" and comes from the eagles that once circled over the mountains and lakes of Albania. Thanks to the wonderful mountain scenery, a bustling capital and beaches that rival those of other regions of the Mediterranean. We would like to thank everyone for the time spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Izolacja Termiczna. Pianka do dociepleń to natryskowa gotowa do użycia, jednoskładnikowa, samorozprężalna poliuretanowa pianka termoizolacyjna ze specjalnym aplikatorem natryskowym na dyszę pistoletu. Wysoce wydajna izolacja termiczna i akustyczna, elastyczna, wodoodporna. Uszczelnia wszystkie trudno dostępne miejsca -pozwala łatwo pokrywać zarówno powierzchnie poziome, jak i pionowe. Idealnie nadaje się również do ocieplenia nierównych, lub zakrzywionych powierzchni, czyli wszędzie tam, gdzie tradycyjne metody izolacji byłyby trudne do zastosowania. Pomaga eliminować mostki termiczne i zapobiega kondensacji. Zastosowanie: Nadaje się do stosowania na wszystkich rodzajach powierzchni w celu zapewnienia izolacji cieplnej i akustycznej. Natryskiwana izolacja termiczna jest idealna do stosowania w trudno dostępnych miejscach, gdzie tradycyjna izolacja jest skomplikowana w zastosowaniu.
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Klej do Termoizolacji – serves, among others, for insulating facades; External and internal walls, attics, balconies, sheds, halls and garages. It is useful in construction works - gluing mineral wool boards to substrates such as OSB boards, wood, brick, concrete, roofing felt, sheet metal, e.g. in insulation works. The product is also used to attach mineral wool boards to flat roof surfaces covered with galvanized sheets, steel sheets with a polyester coating or roofing felt, when performing thermal insulation.
We have completed another edition of our loyalty program, this time we took our clients to Mexico. A country located in the southern part of North America. Its history dates back thirty centuries, pre-Columbian civilizations developed there, and the largest of them was the civilization of the Mayans and Aztecs, annihilated by European conquistadors. Contemporary Mexico is a cosmopolitan, fascinating and full of events country, but it is not only tequila, sombrero or mariachi music. It is a mythical land that in its history refers to pre-Hispanic times, to revolution, to joyful and colorful customs. In addition to magnificent archaeological sites, there are stunning beaches, picturesque colonial cities, breathtaking landscapes, deserts in the north and deep jungles in the south. Thank you all for the time we spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
Introducing a new product to the market Klej kontaktowy w sprayu – jest przeznaczony do folii paroizolacyjnych, budowlanych, membran dachowych, taśm ciepłego montażu – to wielozadaniowy produkt w sprayu, który wspaniale klei beton, cegłę, metal, kamień, korek, folię, ceramikę, drewno, gumę, sztywny plastik, szkło, polietylen, a także gąbki tapicerskie, wełnę mineralną, karton czy tkaniny
Between 30 January - 3 February the next edition of the BUDMA 2023 fair took place in Poznań. We had the opportunity to participate in it again. Our presence was a great opportunity to establish new business contacts and meet clients.
Introducing a new product to the market Citrus cleaner remover-Super fast product for removing self-adhesive labels, stickers as well as residues of glue, oil, stickers, grease, asphalt, tar or waterproof markers.
Introducing a new product to the market Extreme Glue+Sealant BULL–Universal adhesive based on a hybrid polymer (silane-modified polyurethane) with high initial tack. Bonding and sealing of all construction materials.
We have finished another edition of our loyalty program, this time we took our clients to Turkey. Above all, it is an unusual oriental culture with a wealth of monuments and interesting places, where the golden sand of hot beaches, exotic vegetation and warm blue sea invite us to swim. Turkey is not only a real paradise for enthusiasts of active recreation, but also an extremely attractive place for people interested in the relics of the past and the culture of Islam. We hope to spend time together for the next edition. Thank you all for the time we spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
We have completed another edition of our loyalty program, this time we took our clients to Nepal to the foothills of the Himalayas. Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia, located in the central Himalayas, bordering India and China. Remember that Nepal is not only the Himalayas. It is also a thousand-year history locked within the walls of royal cities, where rich traditions passed down from generation to generation, great cuisine and the authenticity of the inhabitants influence the magic of this space. It all adds up to a multicolored image of Nepal (a place with the highest concentration of temples, monasteries and chapels per square kilometer on the entire planet), a country that is not only worth seeing, but also returning to it, because every day spent visiting it is new, wonderful and unforgettable experience. Nepal combines breathtaking views of the Himalayas, golden temples, charming villages scattered on the hills, unique cuisine and wild nature. We hope to spend time together for the next edition. Thank you all for the time we spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
On March 17-19, the INTER BUILD EXPO 2021 fair was held in Kiev. Our presence at the Kiev fair was a great opportunity to establish new business contacts and meet with customers.
We have completed another edition of our loyalty program, this time we took our clients to Egypt - so that they could learn about the culture of Ancient Civilizations with us. We would like to thank everyone for the time spent together and we hope to see you next year in the next edition of our program.
Introducing a new product to the market FLUOMARKER SPRAY –Acrylic paint intended
for all kinds of marking on roads, trees, and various types of installations.
National Technical Assessment ICiMB-KOT-2021/0105 edition 1 - Fast polyurethane polystyrene adhesive .
Documents to download:
National Technical Assessment Safety Data Sheet National Declaration of Performance
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Universal Super Fast foam glue - it is characterized by a quick initial grip and significantly speeds up work
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Universal Fast Adhesive - allows you to get an instant effect and significantly speeds up work
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Industrial Cleaner Degreaser - evaporates instantly
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Cleaner for foam adhesives, construction adhesives, adhesives for polystyrene - dissolves, cleans, washes away
Obtaining subsidies in the project: "Smart Growth Operational Program, priority axis 3 Support for innovation in enterprises, measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises, sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands - Go to BRAND.
Introducing a new product to the market HAND AND SURFACE DISINFECTION LIQUID - license No. 1170 / TP / 2020 of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products
Introducing a new product to the market BUTYL TAPE B1 - for sealing at the bottom of windows or additional corner insulation
07.01.2019r. Information on the selection of the Tenderer in relation to the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition for the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for the company's export activities "From A to Z" S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00 for the presentation of a commercial offer to organize a trip to the INTERBUILD Kyiv, Ukraine Fair between March 19 and March 22, 2019.
16.01.2019r. In connection with the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition of the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for export activities of the enterprise" From A to Z "S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00, we would like to ask you to submit an offer for the purchase of roll-up advertising stands for the fair.
Advertising stuff:
Offer inquiry
Attachment to the inquiry
13.02.2019r. We are going to CUBA. We have completed the fifth edition of our loyalty program, this time we are taking our clients to one of the largest islands in the Caribbean Sea, CUBA, dominated by sandy beaches, crystalline bays and a hot subtropical climate.
30.01.2019r. Information on the selection of the Tenderer in connection with the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition for the Regional Operational Program of the Lodz Region for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for export activities companies "From A to Z" S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00 for the presentation of a commercial offer for the purchase of roll-up advertising stands for the fair.
Introducing a new product to the market. BOSMAN FOAM assembly and sealing foam 2 in 1, you use as you like
BOSMAN is not only foams, silicones, etc., we also see the potential of young people, we believe in the power of dreams and help to turn them into medals. Our company supports the young talented swimmer Kamil Kaźmierczak, who has already had numerous medals and successes. We hope this is just the beginning ...
The INTER BUILD EXPO 2019 fair was held in Kiev on March 19-22. Our presence at the Kiev fair was a great opportunity to establish new business contacts and meet customers.
Introducing a new product to the market. BOSMAN Light Acrylic Putty
Introducing a new product to the market BOSMAN Universal Email Spray Paint, which is quick-drying, for general use
05.07.2019r. In connection with the planned purchase related to the implementation of the project called "Support for export activities of the company Od A to Z S.A." co-financed under the 2nd Priority Axis of the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship for 2014-2020, Measure 2.2 Internationalization of enterprises, Sub-measure 2.2.1 Business models we ask MŚP to submit a commercial offer for the organization of the trip to BUDPRAGRES fair, Minsk 2019, Belarus.
Advertising stuff:
Offer inquiry
Attachment to the inquiry
Introducing a new product to the market. BOSMAN GORILLA GLUE Mounting Adhesive - extremely strong adhesive, strong and flexible connection, paintable, non-corrosive
On September 24-27, the BUDPRAGRES 2019 fair will be held in Minsk. Our presence at the fair will be a great opportunity to establish new business contacts and meet customers. We cordially invite you to visit us at the fair. You will find us at stand D6.
Introducing a new product to the market. BOSMAN PROFESSIONAL HEAT RESISTANT ENAMEL is a professional silicone paint for painting surfaces working at high temperatures
On September 24-27, the BUDPRAGRES 2019 fair was held in Minsk. Our presence at the fair in Minsk was a great opportunity to establish new business contacts and meetings with customers. We received a diploma for participating in the fair.
Company Od A to Z S.A. receives another nomination for receiving a prestigious award COMPANY OF THE YEAR 2019 and PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2019
Introduction of the new SILVER polyurethane foam which is quick-drying, fast-setting, very efficient from 1l to 60l. Perfect for wood, windows and doors.
Introduction of a new product of 50QB Polyurethane Sealant - Facades-Dilatation
Introducing a new product to the market EXTRA PUTZ Polymer-gel finish ready-to-use putty with many functional and application features
In connection with the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition of the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for export activities of the company" Od A to Z "S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00, we kindly ask you to submit a commercial offer for advertising materials-catalogs.
Advertising stuff:
Od A do Z S.A.
implements a project co-financed from European Funds entitled
II.2.1 Business models of MŚP
The aim of the project is the continuous development of the company and adaptation of activities to the changing business conditions, including the development of the company's export activities Od A do Z. The development of the global economy has resulted in the internationalization of the company by increasing its presence on foreign markets, including expansion into new markets, which will allow the company to expand its operations, increase profits and, in the long term, improve the company's strategic position.
The support received under this sub-measure is aimed at increasing the international expansion of the enterprise, which will contribute to the increase in foreign trade turnover of the MŚP. sector. Activities selected by the company will contribute to the achievement of the assumed goal in the form of: participation in foreign fairs and exhibitions, preparation of the design and production of individual materials promoting the company's products on selected target markets, creation of a design concept for the product, packaging
and trademark in selected target markets.
The target group of the project will be construction warehouses, construction wholesalers, construction stores, contractors, retail stores, retail stores associated in networks and individual recipients
from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
Project implemented from 01/09/2018 to 31/10/2019.
Eligible value of the project: PLN 351 200.00
The value of co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 298,520.00
14.11.2018r. Information on the selection of the Tenderer in relation to the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition for the Regional Operational Program of the Lodz Region for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for export activities companies "Od A do Z" S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00 for the presentation of a commercial offer for advertising materials-catalogs.
In connection with the planned purchase related to the implementation of the competition of the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship for 2014-2020 and the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for 2014-2020, under the project: "Support for export activities of the company" Od A do Z "S.A. as part of the competition number: RPLD.02.02.01-10-0024 / 18-00, we would like to ask you to submit an offer to organize a trip to the INTERBUILD Kyiv, Ukraine Fair between March 19 and March 22, 2019.
Advertising stuff:
Offer inquiry
Attachment to the inquiry
Introduction of a new innovative technology for installing door windows based on tapes for the so-called "warm installation"
Introduction of the new Bosman GOLD 6 in 1 all-season foam which provides high performance, durable flexibility, very good adhesion to PVC, quick-drying and super low-pressure
Wprowadzenie innowacyjnego kleju areozowego budowlanego EASY Od A do Z Flex który znacznie przyspiesza prace w obróbce mocowania: parapetów, stopni. Budowania: ścianek działowych, przepierzeń i ekranów z betonu komórkowego. Ocieplanie: wiat, hal, garazy, bram, kontenerów
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives another nomination for the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises.
Once again, we have received the Certificate of Trustworthy Company
Introduction of a new innovative technology for the production of solvents in metal packaging, which reduce uncontrolled emissions of substances to the environment
Introduction of a new innovative technology for the production of silicones in gas packaging
Company Od A d Z S.A. implements a loyalty program Venezuela 2016 for customers
Company Od A do Z S.A. continues the implementation of the project co-financed under Measure 6.1 "Passport to export" of priority axis 6 Polish economy on the international market of the Innovative Economy Operational Program 2007 - 2013
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Company Od A do Z S.A. starts the implementation of the project co-financed under Measure 6.1 "Passport to export" of priority axis 6 Polish economy on the international market of the Innovative Economy Operational Program 2007 - 2013
Company Od A do Z S.A. received funding under Measure 6.1 "Passport to export" of priority axis 6 Polish economy on the international market of the Innovative Economy Operational Program 2007 - 2013
Company Od A do Z S.A. has been appreciated as a trustworthy partner who professionally and reliably fulfills its obligations not only towards its clients and contractors, but also towards its employees.
Participation in the BUDMA fair - considered to be one of the most important and prestigious fair events in this part of Europe. It is a place to present the latest offer of exhibitors of innovative technological solutions, a place for acquiring specialist knowledge and exchanging experiences
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Participation in the BUDMA fair - considered to be one of the most important and prestigious fair events in this part of Europe. It is a place to present the latest offer of exhibitors of innovative technological solutions, a place for acquiring specialist knowledge and exchanging experiences
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises
Participation in the Interbud Construction Fair, which for 20 years has become a showcase of the construction industry in Poland. It serves well for the integration of the construction environment and is a place to present innovative technologies, market novelties and ecological solutions.
Participation in the BUDMA fair - considered to be one of the most important and prestigious fair events in this part of Europe. It is a place to present the latest offer of exhibitors of innovative technological solutions, a place for acquiring specialist knowledge and exchanging experiences
Company Od A do Z S.A. receives the prestigious "GAZELE BIZNESU" award, awarded to dynamically developing small and medium-sized enterprises